Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Care
Traditional Chiropractic
A healthy nervous system must be free of interference so that it can receive sensory input from all parts of the body and send outgoing messages in return. Traditional Chiropractic focuses on the removal of spinal misalignments (called subluxations) that impede nervous system function. Current scientific research demonstrates the detrimental effect that subluxations have on all the organs and tissues of the body.
Chiropractors are the only health professionals trained to remove subluxations. This process relieves pressure on the nerves, restores joint mobility, and returns the body to a state of homeostasis (balance). The typical Chiropractic approach, called an adjustment, involves a quick thrust to the misaligned vertebral segment to correct its position. Sometimes, a release of nitrogen gas from the joint will cause an audible sound, or click, but not always.
Rather than prescribing drugs or performing surgeries, Chiropractors usually use a holistic approach that includes manual treatments of the spine and joints (adjustments), specific therapeutic exercise programs, muscle massage, trigger point therapy, nutritional assessments, and lifestyle recommendations to realign or rebalance the body.
Network Chiropractic/Network Spinal care
While traditional Chiropractic emphasizes aligning the structure of the spinal column and other joints in the body, Network Chiropractic or Network Spinal care begins by relieving tension in the soft tissues of the spinal system (called the meninges). Stress at this point can be caused by unresolved emotional trauma or chemical accumulation in the body (see Molecules of Emotion). Once this tension has been reduced, structural misalignments will often correct themselves. If not, a gentle thrust may be indicated, or perhaps other low-force techniques may be used.
Your thoughts, feelings, and experiences are related to the tension in your body-mind and are transmitted through your spinal cord to the cells of your body. (Dr. Candace Pert, former chair of brain biochemistry at the National Institute of Mental Health who wrote the books Molecules of Emotion and Everything You Need to Know To Feel Go(o)d, suggests that the subconscious mind resides in the spinal cord, and that it can be accessed for healing with this approach.)
Network Spinal care is a means of determining the area and the nature of nervous system interference or tension and then a precise method for applying the appropriate techniques to release it. Each gentle contact is utilized in the correct sequence for unraveling the neurological patterns associated with emotional, chemical, and physical stress.
Benefits of Network Spinal care
- A research study, conducted within the Medical College at the University of California, Irvine, demonstrated that patients receiving Network care reported significant enhancement of their physical, emotional, and mental health; an improved stress response; and increased life enjoyment. 76 percent of patients reporting improvements in ALL categories of wellness and quality of life. Although physical symptoms are most often reduced within the first couple of months, patients reported their overall life enjoyment and quality of life continued to improve year after year, with no apparent ceiling.
- People with traumatic histories and stressful lives report the greatest changes in both short-term and long-term wellness. Seniors, who ordinarily expect to be getting “older” and losing their quality of life, report remarkable improvement in their wellness and quality of life, year after year. Babies and children are especially well-suited for this approach as they are able to release mental and emotional scars without becoming re-traumatized through verbalizing their experience.
- In order to fix something, we must first be able to find it. Through the reconnection process of level I of care, the brain is able to inventory the body more efficiently so it can better orchestrate healing. The recipient not only becomes more aware of spinal tension patterns, vertebral motion, and respiration, but also the energetic motion through the body.
- As people progress through the levels of care, they find themselves making more appropriate, more healthful lifestyle choices. Many people report feeling more present and more grounded – better able to deal with Life’s challenges, and better able to let go of relationships and situations that are not working for them.
In short, Network provides a means of attaining vibrant mental, emotional, physical, and even spiritual health.