In addition to teaching her practice members about incorporating support modalities into their Vibrant Health lifestyle, Dr. Moore also presents seminars to health professionals. She offers a Free 3-hour Introduction to Essential Oils Course for laypeople and health practitioners. This, Saturday afternoon class includes descriptions of nine common essential oils and oil blends that provide the foundation for a family first-aid kit.
Does Johnny have a cold coming on?
We’ve got oils for that.
Did Susie fall off the jungle gym?
We’ve got oils for that.
Does Dad have headaches that won’t quit?
We’ve got oils for that.
Does Mom need help balancing hormones?
We’ve got oils for that, too.
Scentsational Seminars
Some essential oils are calming and rejuvenating; others are stimulating and uplifting. Extracted plant oils can be life-enhancing and even live-saving. When used appropriately, they have very few side-effects. At Scentsational Seminars, we specialize in educational opportunities for all types of learners. We provide local, traditional-style, classroom trainings that combine instruction, demonstration, and student participation with home-based, self-study; online webinar and written materials for distance/home-study; and aromatherapy journeys that include various combinations of aromatherapy education, adventure travel, and cultural experience.
Dr. Moore
Your instructor, Dr. Lisa Moore, has been using essential oils in her Chiropractic practice for over 20 years. In 2008, she completed her own journey through a year-long certification course that prepared her to take the national registration exam.
Dr. Moore has combined the knowledge she acquired through this rigorous study with her clinical experience, and constructed a brand new class based on a certification course offered by Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt of the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy. The result is an aromatherapy program like no other!
Here’s what others have to say about Dr. Moore’s teaching style:
“Dr. Moore presents her material in an easily understandable way; it makes it simple to grasp and fun to learn.”
—Diane Adams, Caregiver
“I always enjoy Dr. Moore’s classes. I especially liked the demonstration of the rainbow-colored benzene ring in chemistry. Who knew that essential oils could dance???”
—Elizabeth Griggs, CMT
What Dr. Moore has to say:
“Seeing the light bulb go on as students learn something new, or re-learn old concepts in an new way, gives me such pleasure. Teaching is so rewarding and each class is so different. Just like a river, you can’t jump into the same place twice! I hope all my students come away with a deeper appreciation for the wonders of nature as they experience plants and plant oils more fully.”
Current Classes
Local to the Sacramento region, a 13-module, professional-level, Aromatherapy Certification course.
Approved by the California State Board of Chiropractic for 12 hours of continuing education.
Essential Oil Journeys
For details and travel costs email Dr. Moore or call 530 613-0831
April 16-20, 2016
“A life-changing experience,” said one of the participants on our way back to the Phoenix airport.
No class scheduled at this time
This class covers common health situations and ways to address them with natural means.