Chiropractic Care
Recommended Reading
The following books have all been featured as national public television specials.
Manifest Your Destiny
Wisdom of the Ages
There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
Dr. Wayne Dyer’s New York Times bestsellers:
10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace
The Power of Intention
Inspiration and now Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life
Women's Health and Menopause
The following books have all been featured as national public television specials.
The Wisdom of Menopause
Women’s Bodies
Women’s Wisdom
Mother-Daughter Wisdom: Understanding the Crucial Link Between Mothers, Daughters, and Health
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
A politically incorrect book that exemplifies the nutritional philosophy of the Weston Price Foundation. Recipes and suggestions for adding lactofermented foods to the family table.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price recounts the story of Dr. Price’s travels throughout the world to find the health secrets of indigenous peoples; includes photographs of the differences between the facial structures of these cultures vs. those of Westerners.
General Health
The Poison in Your Teeth by Tom McGuire, DDS
This book clearly explains why amalgam (silver) fillings are hazardous to your health. Mercury amalgam fillings continuously release mercury vapor, the most poisonous, naturally occurring, non-radioactive substance on earth, into your body.
Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert, PhD
Dr. Pert discusses the relationship between our emotions and our health. She has conducted extensive research into the mechanism by which our bodies produce specific chemicals (neuropeptides) that correspond to each emotion. This research showed that these chemicals are stored in our spinal tissues and in particular organs. At the end of the book, Dr. Pert relates her experience with Network Chiropractic. Highly recommended reading!
Take off your Glasses and See by Jacob Liberman
Drawing on his own experiences and the success of the people he has treated, Liberman reveals how the fundamental self-healing properties of the body/mind connection can change the way you see the world. Liberman focuses on the intimate connection between “eyesight” and “insight” and makes it clear that changing our awareness and perceptions is the best “prescription” of all.
Sitting on the Job by Scott Donkin DC
This book is widely acknowledged as the reference source for practical advice on how to reduce the negative effects of sitting on the job. It’s fully illustrated, easy to read, and perfect for any office worker.
Find out how to set up your workspace to minimize negative effects on your body, discover what bad habits might be impacting your spine, and learn which lifestyle changes will help you on the road to Vibrant