Chiropractic Care

Success Stories


During my healing process, the skin on my face peeled repeatedly; I experienced redness, rashes, and sometimes pain. I believe that toxins and emotions that had been held within my body since childhood were being released through my skin. My posture, my outlook on life, and my relationship with myself have all improved. My face stopped peeling long ago, yet for me, true healing continues.

—Diane A. Waldorf Handwork Assistant


Being more in touch with my body and the role I play in my health problems has been very beneficial. On a physical level, I feel more at-ease in my body; I can release tension easier than I could before I began seeing Dr. Moore. My sons and I relate better and we all seem to be emotionally and physically healthier.

—Tina B. Grade School Parent


Because this type of healing happens at such a deep, core level, I find that I don’t have to work and struggle to let go of those old, limiting beliefs and patterns. Instead, those old beliefs let go of me!

—Debra L. Business Consultant

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